Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

We had a fun Halloween.  On Thursday night, the kids' school had the annual Fall Festival, which has a bunch of games and trick or treating in the hallways and pizza and a haunted house.  The kids love it so much that we were on our way to the Fall Festival after Lizzie's soccer and she said, "The Fall Festival is definitely the rose of my day!" Anyway, I didn't take any photos there that are worth posting so you don't get to see Tommy as Harry Potter (costume from Aunt Jan and Uncle Vyn) complete with a Snowy Owl (from Aunt Marilyn) as Hedwig.

On Friday (yesterday), we went to Tommy's first soccer game, and then we came home and carved pumpkins before meeting some friends to trick or treat in our complex.  It was really fun and despite the fact that some people gave out weird things (potato chips, a cookie) it felt very similar to trick or treating in the US.  The kids LOVED it.

We went in a group with three Queen Elsas but - again - I didn't get a good photo.  I TOLD Eli we should all four go as Queen Elsa, but he declined.  I think Tommy would have also been a hard sell.

I lied:  here's one of T in his HP robes.  He's with a good friend of his - who is also missing her two front teeth.

Queen Elsa is getting dressed - but check out Eli's pumpkin carving skills.  

The rest of my family carved pumpkins while I finished reading P&P for the fiftieth time.  
To be honest, this scene ended with just Eli at the table, carving. 

While we trick or treated, we ran into friends from Lizzie's class.  Here are two Elsas.

I'm sorry this photo is so horrible -- but here are two Elsas with one toy poodle puppy called Princess.  She is adorbs.

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