Monday, November 03, 2014

First Soccer Game

On Friday, Tommy's team had their first soccer game.  It was a great experience in many ways.  For example, I overheard part of this conversation during which the coach (who happens to be the elementary school counselor) said, "Okay, so what are we going to say if their goal is wide open, their goalie is asleep, and one of us takes a shot and misses?" [Pause]  "Great try!  Way to go!  You'll get it next time!"

And then I took a deep breath and felt okay.  But still, it was a tough game for Tommy's parents.  He played the second half and mostly stood around.  I'm positive that he is worried about making mistakes and figures its easier to just not do anything, but you guys I just want him to feel confident about sports SO BADLY (yes, this is totally about me and my own lack of confidence).  So we have lifted the no balls in the house ban and he and I spend some time passing most days which is embarrassing for me but makes him feel like a star.

The team won the game and the three little guys who made goals were ON TOP OF THE WORLD.  I mean, just so amazingly cute.  Let's all cross our fingers for Tommy to be one of those guys, one of these games (this league plays through March, so lots of opportunity).

See how Tommy (in the bright orange shoes) isn't really paying attention? He's number 3.

Here he looks like his is actually playing.  So this is a nice shot.

This is a tiny bit more accurate.  Walking away from the ball with his back to it.  (In his defense, he was supposed to be back there.)

The team, and the silly coaches.  (It was Halloween.)

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