Sunday, November 23, 2014

Funny ones

We saw Big Hero 6 over the weekend, and this morning Tommy said, "Mom, I think we should do some add-ons to the truck."  "Like what, honey?"  "You know, some plasma blades and a big drill."

Another good one lately:
Me, to Tommy at the park:  "Where's the Lu?"
Tommy:  "She's learning to survive in the wild!"

Lulu says any number of hilarious things to me, particularly about her boyfriend Yuv.  And this morning I heard from another mom that Lizzie and Yuv were married on the playground.  I'm trying to play it cool but it's not always easy and the whole boyfriend/girlfriend topic has lead to interesting conversations.  Luckily, there are ways to turn these types of conversations into teaching moments like, "Tommy, if you can't go on a date until you're 16, how many years do you have to wait?"

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