Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Second Grade Friendship Feast (updated with pictures)

The Second Graders have a Friendship Feast each year around Thanksgiving.  It's not Thanksgiving (obviously, it's a Friendship Feast), but the idea is that each child brings a dish from his or her country of origin to share with the rest of the second graders.  The week leading up to the Friendship Feast was a bit stressful for this room mom because the Friendship Feast is the kids' lunch and I didn't know what we would do if there wasn't enough food.  And, I had about half our parents actually sign up to bring things.  But on the actual day, kids brought food, parents showed up to help and it went really well.  I have some photos on my phone but I'm a little bit too low-energy to deal with moving them on to the computer and sizing them so you get this adorable one of Lulu at Omani Tent Day.  You'll survive and if you are sick of looking at photos of my four-year-old, just hang tight because in 20 days you'll be looking at pictures of a five-year-old which is a completely different thing, dontcha know.

Anyway, the kids made placemats for the Friendship Feast.  On each placemat, the kids listed three things they were thankful for (or, if the child happened to be a girl, the child could fit more than three things on her placemat) and the parents at the Friendship Feast had fun looking around for their child's placemat to see if they (the parent) made the cut.

Eli, Lizzie and I did not.  Our son was thankful for, in order:
1. The military (cue drawing of fighter jet and guns)
2. His teacher (I can't blame him, I am also thankful for Mrs. Kriefall), and
3. The continents (!!??!)

I have decided that the next time I threaten to leave Tommy somewhere due to poor behavior (almost always the wandering-off-without-telling-me-where-he-is-going type), I am going to actually leave him and then see if he appreciates my unconditional love and support a bit more next Thanksgiving.  (I am mostly kidding, certainly I do not plan to leave my kid anywhere but the truth is that I am tempted at times.)

Following the Friendship Feast is a four day weekend in honor of Oman's 44th National Day which coincides nicely with Thanksgiving.  On day one, Lizzie commenced vomiting at 2pm.  She did not stop until 9pm after which she slept fairly well.  Today, day two, she has been on the couch and has consumed some Gatorade but otherwise is pretty listless.  She mustered up a fit because the kids claim I promised to take them to "Penguins of Madagascar" today which (1) I did not and (2) I wouldn't even if I had promised because Lizzie is sick.  Is today my favorite parenting day ever? No.  Because before the movie fit, I took Tommy to the beach for a while (our cleaning lady was here with Lizzie) and he played with some tar.  It's off his skin but his lion shirt is ruined and I am still sad about it.  (I hope to get over it soon, as a lion shirt is not an important thing.)

Tomorrow, day three, is the Bechtel Thanksgiving.  I am hopeful she will be up and about but if she is not, then I will stay here with her.  I am right this minute signing off to download a new book to my kindle, even though I have loads of other jobs to do.  (Please cross your fingers that there is no vomiting in my low-energy future.)

I am pretty much thankful for all of you.  Happy Thanksgiving. xoxo

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