Saturday, November 29, 2014


We had a really nice Thanksgiving and I hope all of you did as well.  We (Tommy, Lizzie and I) had a four day weekend (which was actually for National Day but we pretended it was for Thanksgiving).  Eli of course worked three of those four days but it still felt like he managed to be around a bit more than normal which was lovely.  We put up our Christmas tree, and Tommy quickly pronounced the space between the corner and the tree "a perfect rebel camp" so he has some cushions and Nerf guns back there.  Nothing like being shot in the calf to mark the beginning of the Christmas season.  (He's not allowed to shoot anyone with the bullets except Eli because they hurt.)

Lizzie was down and out for three of the four days, starting the weekend with a few hours of vomiting and taking two days to bounce back to full energy.  On Friday night, all of a sudden she just switched back on and the next thing I knew, she was on a trampoline with her friend Miyu.

We had a (very enjoyable)Thanksgiving dinner with lots of Eli's coworkers and somehow Tommy ended up at a different table than Eli and me.  I was of course anxious about this, but Eli thought it was fine.  Later, I learned from one of the guys sitting with Tommy that Tommy said, "two faced bastard" sometime during the meal.  I was so embarrassed I couldn't even ask questions about the conversation generally. (I mean, what were they discussing that prompted Tommy to think, "Oh I know!  I should say two faced bastard at this point in the conversation!")  I just said, "Oh no.  Ron says it in Harry Potter."  And later when we were home, I told Tommy that he's not allowed to say "bastard".  Cue the "well, what IS a bastard anyway, Mommy?  Why is that bad? I don't understand what makes a word a bad word.  Who decides if a word is bad?"  I love seven year olds but they can be so exhausting.

Here is the question of the day:  who thinks we should have a Christmas party? I sort of want to.  But, we have a mini-party already with my parents, Hanh and Eleanor, and Brett, Chinka and Ranesa.  I can't decide.

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