Friday, January 23, 2015

Safari - Lake Manyara

I want to start this post by mentioning that I had intended to finally write a post about Christmas, but I can't find the photos.  So I'm fast forwarding to the Safari.  This post is going to have almost all the photos Eli has starred and not much else.  One day I spent 40 minutes on the treadmill watching a slideshow of the safari photos and I didn't finish.  We're going to make a photo book and anyone who wants to see if will be welcome, but I will not be inviting anyone to view all of the photos.

Our safari was borderline magical.  We were all impressed by Tanzania's natural beauty, and seeing so many animals roaming around was surreal.  On our first day, as we drove to Lake Manyara National Park, there were a couple of zebras and a giraffe on the side of the road and we were all SO EXCITED.  By day two, we were looking for something more exciting than zebras as we'd already seen about fifty.

Playing cards at our hotel in Arusha

Our first elephant of the whole trip.

A Nile Monitor Lizard.  Tommy spotted him.

Olive baboons - there are many in Lake Manyara and around it.

Tommy in the land cruiser with his journal.

Lulu in the Land Cruiser with her journal.

The first day we were very bug-protected.  Then, we realized there weren't any bugs and we just wore t-shirts.

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