Saturday, January 24, 2015

Safari - Ngoro Ngoro Crater

The ngoro ngoro crater is an amazing place to see wildlife.  Animals are everywhere.  When we went out to get in the car in the morning, there was an elephant in the parking area.  Just wandering around.  This was the first day we had an early start - Banu commanded us to eat breakfast at six and meet him at six thirty, and so we did.  It was freezing leaving the lodge and driving down into the crater and I wished I had brought warmer clothes.  (My parents did not have this problem and I attribute my wimpiness to living in Muscat.)  Anyway, we drove around for hours and saw LOADS of animals.

Our guide Banu telling T & L a story; this is actually at our Lake Manyara hotel as we packed up to leave to go to Ngoro ngoro.

Our first view of Ngoro ngoro crater.

With Banu.

Two black rhinos.  It's a big deal to see rhinos.

It is not a big deal to see zebras, but I liked this photo.


A comfortably sleeping lioness.  As our guide pointed out, they'll pretty much do anything they want as they're not afraid of anything.

She woke up briefly.

Giraffes do not live in the crater because there isn't enough acacia, but they live around it.

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