Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Safari - Serengeti

The final stop on our safari was the Serengeti.  The Serengeti is beautiful - but you work harder (drive for longer periods, on bad dirt roads) for the payoffs (animals).

Our second leopard!

This is just a small picture of what Banu claimed were anywhere from 200-400 hippos.  It smelled bad.

At the entrance to the Serengeti.

Some Masai ladies trying to sell things to mom.

It looks like he's journaling but he's actually drawing gory battles (or maybe designing superheros for each member of the family)

This is what wildebeest migration looks like during the day.  They run at night. 

At a rest area in the Serengeti we saw TONS of these gorgeous agama lizards.
Tommy loved them, so we have about 50 photos of them.

Tommy does this with his hands in all photos now.  We don't know where he learned it.

This was a bus near the entrance to the Serengeti.  My guess is these are the people who work in the park.
We watched in amazement as they packed more and more people onto this bus.  Very impressive.

This was one of the best moments on the trip.  This herd of elephants crossed the road right in front of us,
and it was so quiet that we could hear the grass swishing as they walked.  

This is the plane that we rode back to Arusha. 

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