Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Break in Rome

We spent just under a week with Hanh and Eleanor in Rome during the kids' Spring break.

We had such a good time that none of us wanted to come back (and we think maybe Eleanor was sad to see us go, as well).  Hanh and Eleanor were amazing hosts -- Hanh even took a day off so that Eli and I could go to the Vatican by ourselves (and let me tell you, I've been twice and I'm not ever going back; it's full of gorgeous things but it's also packed with tourists and I don't have the constitution for it).  Hanh also took us on a tour of the Embassy, arranged for fancy Colosseum tickets that included tours of the basement and the top level, and shared an amazing running route with Eli and me.  It was the PERFECT TRIP.  Lots of walking and some running, and lots of gelato, pasta, pizza and wine.
The kids and the first gellateria - this is about three hours after we landed.

These are the two photos I have selected -- for now -- from the Colosseum.  It was super exciting for Tommy and the girls were pretty miserable for the whole time.  My feet were numb.

Eleanor having a fit.  Eli's mean and took a photo.

In these photos, Eli and I are pretending we have three kids (Eleanor was sick and home from school, except not at home).  She's a sweet girl and we agree that we'd have her anytime :)  (She is deeply into being three years old, however, and sometimes she needs a bit of 1-2-3 Magic.)

Here are some photos that are a version of the photo taken by every person who visits the Pantheon.

Guess what we bought?  A Selfie Stick!  Look at this photo!  Would you say it's worth 10 Euro??

Dancing outside a shop.  

Peacocks who were named Eli and Laura, by Eleanor.

PS:  I'm going to do a post about Pompeii next.  Pompeii was AMAZING.

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