Monday, June 22, 2015

Last Days of EC2 and Second Grade

Hi Friends.  FIRST LET ME SAY:  I am so terribly behind on this blog!  I just saw that my post about Sid and Ollie's visit in May is still a draft!??!  I will try to do some catch up this week.

We have been in Seattle for a week and are really enjoying ourselves.  How have you been?  We have been in a frenzy of finishing up school (and being room mom for Tommy's class, YAY!!) and traveling but now we are in Seattle for a bit, and it is so green and gorgeous and we are so happy to be here.  (Apart from missing Eli very much, as usual.)

This is Lizzie's end of school party.  I have no idea why this photo is so crappy.  She gorged herself on ice cream and muffins and cookies -- right after they got out of the pool.

One of Lizzie's favorite friends is moving back to the US - and this group of three have been close since last year.

Last day of school!!

They both learned so much this year and Tommy at least is much taller!

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