Sunday, September 06, 2015

A new game (edited, now with answers)

Honestly, it's been busy.  The garage door wouldn't close, then my car wouldn't start, then I decided that the lamps in the living room need to be plugged in which involved finding a guy to come create some outlets where there were none, then I needed new tires and of course I can't ever skip my exercise class, and and and.  Anyway, that's why I am still not really back to blogging as I had intended.  All my free time is sucked up.  And today, I get to hold a little baby while his mommy gets a break from him.  See?  You can't blog while you are busy holding baby Owen (who shares Tommy's birthday).

So, I thought we could work together to delete my note that contains all the funny things the kids have said that I have not yet blogged about.  The game is that you can guess which of my little darlings made the observation or asked the question.

"I'm not a tiger, I'm a pronghorn!"  (Lulu)

"I'm just not feeling bright..."  (Tommy, I think)

"Is San Francisco where you found Daddy?"  (Lulu)

"I have 17 packs of abs."  (Tommy)

"All pictures have to have a sunshine!"  (Lulu)

"I just want something tasty with no vegetables."  (Lulu)

"May I tell you the story of the Hope Diamond?"  (Tommy, obviously)

"Three things I want:  a trampoline, a pool and a treehouse."  (Lulu)

And, one that will show you just how long I've been meaning to type this post:
Me:  "You've become a different boy."
T:  "I know.  That's because I have new priorities of being six.  I'm not five anymore." (!!!)

"CHEESY EGGS??!? That's not dinner!"  (Lulu)

"Does single mean you don't have any parents?"  (Lulu)

Pointing the remote at the television, "come on, big boy, come on!"  (Lulu)

"Mom, you're a little bit gating..."  (tailgating)  (Lulu)

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