Sunday, October 11, 2015

Beach photos.

Hellooooo my sweet friends.  I realize my blogging has never been so ridiculous, and I'm sorry.  MOSTLY, I am frustrated that Apple and Google can't just get along and make it easy for me to blog.  I suggest we focus on happier things.

Last week, I took the kids to the beach after school on Monday.  There's a huge sand dune on our beach, and for the first time the sand was cool enough to climb it, so of course we did, and look how pretty it was.  We all enjoyed admiring the new airport terminal.  (Eli took me on a tour a couple of weeks ago and it's really quite impressive.)  Tommy and Lizzie played some "I Spy" and I took these photos.

So far, the school year is going nicely for both kids.  Tommy - in my opinion - got the best third grade teacher and seems to be enjoying her class though I occasionally hear that she's strict.  She sent home a status report on Thursday evening and has clearly identified Tommy's strengths and weaknesses.

Lulu loves her teacher:  "Do you like Ms. Dani?" "I just love her.  She's so nice."  She is happy to go to school every day and she loves taking the bus.  When she climbs on, she's usually holding her brother's hand.  One day, as they arrived home, she burst into tears, so hurt was she that Tommy sat with someone else.

Tommy's had a bit of a hard time with a friend lately:  "I just feel like X is my best friend, but I'm not X's best friend."  We've spent a lot of time talking about it and my favorite thing he's said to me so far is, "I just like forgetting about bad things and being happy that I'm alive."  Sometimes my kid is wise beyond his years.

One million thank yous for all the sweet checking in emails you have sent because I haven't updated the blog.  I feel loved.

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