Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Summer 2015: Newman Lake

I really want to get through my summer blog posts, and there are so many photos from the lake that it's hard to sort through all of them.  I'm certain that I've left out some good ones (I took about a million of Eli running to catch the ball, and some of them are hilarious), but I really want to publish this TODAY, just to cross something off my list.

I have a little bit of proper work to do, so it is not random that I'm updating the blog right now.  I am avoiding the work -- which should be my main focus because I could buy all the skin care products I want (not that I don't anyway) if I made some money.  (I have a lot of feelings about my next birthday being my fortieth but concern over my skin is where I seem to be focusing my energy.)

We went to the lake the last week of July.  We all arrived on the same day, so the very first thing we had to do was unpack the kitchen stuff into the beautiful new kitchen (remodeled by my dad earlier in the spring).  It was a fun way to spend the day because (1) Katherine and I did the kitchen job together and it was nice to catch up over a satisfying project and (2) Katherine got a call from her oncologist as we unpacked and learned that she did not have cancer again!  In retrospect, we should have had some champagne right then.  We were on vacation; I don't know why we didn't.  Anyway, now just close your eyes and have a little tiny moment of hopefulness for Katherine and Andy and the girls that the cancer crap is in the past.


One day, the kids worked really hard on an exhibition for the adults.  After the exhibition, we could sign up for various classes (so the kids could teach their skills to us).  There was singing and whittling (by the boy who got a pocket knife from his Grandpa); dancing and knitting.  The whole time we were having our exhibition tour (this all happened in the woods behind the cabin), I mentally was giving myself high fives because this is just the kind of activity that is supposed to make kids turn out well.  And all I did was ignore them all day!  I'm giving myself a mental high five as I type just remembering this.

Our time at the lake was cut a bit short by Eli's jury duty.  But, it's never easy to leave the lake, as it's the only time we see Andy and Katherine and the girls each year.  I'm so glad my kids get to have this special place and special time with their family each summer.  They just love it.  (And look how beautiful it is!)

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