Saturday, October 17, 2015

Summer 2015: San Francisco!

Eli and I have been married for 10 years. It was our anniversary on September 4, and to celebrate we went to San Francisco.  (Thanks to Bob and Nancy for watching the kids.)  It wasn't our best trip ever (actually, we bickered quite a bit!) but it was amazing to go back. There were moments during which I felt like I still lived there, and at other moments I was happy that we don't live there any more.  We went by our old offices, the apartment, Hastings, the courthouse; we spent lots of time at the Ferry Building and we also went to Bloomingdale's.  Here are many photos; I'm sorry.

One morning, Eli and I took the ferry to Alameda to see Allan and Joanne and Sophia and Max, and we didn't take even one photo.  Here is a link to Allan's blog.  It was SO FUN to see them.

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