Tuesday, November 24, 2015


It is no secret to my regular readers that my favorite part of living in Muscat are my friends.  And some of our friends like to dance.  So, on Thursday evening we hired a salsa instructor (see photo below, he's dressed all in black and has his back to the camera - his name is Fernando) and he came along with a partner (also, see below) and taught us how to salsa.  The verdict? We were amazingly good.  He said that we were as good as most people in their third class, actually.  I attribute our excellence to alcohol, at least mine and Eli's.

The friend who hosted got a copy of the CD of dance music, and for those uninitiated into the world of salsa-learning, there is a voice that talks over the music and says, "one-two-three..five-six-seven".  So this morning my friend texted, saying she accidentally played the salsa music last night, "And we realized we've been missing 4! All along!"  See? We're amazing :)

1 comment:

  1. I think our various wedding receptions have proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that there is a strong correlation between alcohol intake and dance prowess (or, at least, enthusiasm). xo, and happy thanksgiving!
