Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Our trip -- Laramie

We had such a great trip home.  It's nice to be back here, and back to our routines, but it was so much fun to be with our families at Christmas, and Eli and I are so glad that we embarked on the expedition.

We began the trip in Seattle (I'll put those pictures in the next post), and it was during those first four days that we felt absolutely terrible due to jetlag.  We had Christmas with my extended family (thank you all SO much for completely spoiling my children!), went to the flight museum, caught up with a few friends, and took Tommy to the pediatric ophthalmologist who confirmed that Tommy's optic nerves are a-okay.  Yay!  Eli and I also did some quick Christmas shopping.  Then, we repacked and flew to Laramie.

It had been two and a half years since we had been in Laramie, and it was so great to be there for six days.  Laramie is very relaxing.  It's a short drive to anywhere you want to go, and there aren't too many places you want to go :)  There were two times in six days that we were rushing out the door:  the first was to church on Christmas Eve, and the second was to the movies on Christmas day.  We overlapped for three of the days with Brett, Chinka and Ranesa, which made Christmas itself big and exciting - so many presents under the tree.  We went sledding every day, and it even snowed on Christmas.  It was very cold, but cozy and nice indoors which is where we spent most of our time.  We had such a nice visit.

Then, we returned to Seattle.  Eli and I had a nice day of shopping sans children, we exchanged gifts with my parents (so if you're counting, that's three Christmases the kids enjoyed) and Mom and Dad took us to The Sound of Music at the Fifth Avenue.  It was SUCH a fun show, and the kids really enjoyed it as well.  I was impressed with the singing and the sets and it was fun to remember how lovely that theatre is inside.

Here are some (quite a few) Laramie photos:

Why is it so much more fun when Grandma sleds too??

Tommy's uncles know exactly how he likes to play.

Opening one gift on Christmas eve after church

They were PERFECTLY behaved in church (but I think Tommy burned his finger on the candle).

Christmas morning!

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