Sunday, March 27, 2016

The wires are out!

Today was a big day.  But, so was Friday, when we returned to the park and actually played a little bit (not on the play structure, of course).  Doesn't she look triumphant?

Below are photos of the X-rays taken of her arm today, so that the surgeon could decide whether to remove the wires. Aren't you glad you don't have wires like that in your arm? And aren't you glad they didn't need to be removed?  I thought so.

So you have a sense of Lizzie's mood, let me tell you that she started crying when she woke up this morning. Our last visit to the hospital, she agreed, had not resulted in any pain at all. I suggested that we could look on the bright side; that today may also be pain free (I did this without too much guilt as I knew that it was not guaranteed that the wires would come out). But by the time we actually arrived at the hospital (to begin our 1.5 hour wait), I was a little bit frustrated by the crying.  I know I am a bad person.

Anyway, the moment the nurse started to remove the cast, she freaked out and I decided we would try something new:  an iPad to distract.  And it mostly worked.  I felt pretty silly.  But I was also pretty desperate.

The arm, before the wires were removed (don't worry; it's always been super skinny):

I didn't take any photos of the surgeon removing the wires, but that may have been a bit rude? Anyway, he used pliers, and he was quick.  I stupidly forgot to give Lizzie ibuprofen before we left home, so there may have been a bit more pain than was necessary.  (Sorry, Lulu!)  He offered to let us keep the wires but she screamed, "NO, NO AND NO!"  So I respected that -- much to my husband's disappointment:  "Couldn't you have just sneaked one into your bag?"

Below was after the wire removal.  She was a wreck.  I kept reminding her that the wires would never need to be removed again.  It didn't really help.  She didn't perk up until the same man put her cast on as last time.  This guy (his son is in university in North Carolina) was amazing with her -- which was important as nobody else, including me, was permitted to touch her arm.  She has a hard cast now, and a date with the art teacher to borrow some sharpies so that her classmates can sign it.

After we left the hospital:  "I feel so much better!"  And, having ice cream for lunch as promised.

I found her sleeping later in the afternoon.  It was a big morning.

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