Tuesday, April 12, 2016


We spent spring break in Paris and Frankfurt (which is where Hanh and Eleanor live now). Hanh and Eleanor came to meet us the day after we arrived in Paris.  (I wonder what I would have said to you when I met Hanh in Autumn of 2005 if you told me that ten plus years later we would be in Paris with three children).

Just so everyone is clear:  Paris with 4, 6 and 8 year old children is not the same as grownup Paris.  There is a lot more whining about walking, and the highlights of the trip are things like:

* a guy blowing huge bubbles
* the amazing playgrounds
* extra iPad time while your parents drink wine
* a ferris wheel
* a double-decker carousel
* pastry (okay, that's also part of grownup Paris)
* chasing pigeons
* browsing the Lego section of every store
* getting a fold-up seat on the Metro
* admiring all the dogs
* watching the French version of the coast guard do drills in the Seine, just across from the Notre Dame

But, even though we had one very cold and rainy day, we managed to have a lovely time in Paris and to daydream about living there.  (Although, we would need to dust off our French.  It is pretty horrifying.  Except Hanh's.  Hers is good.)  Here are quite a lot of photos.  I had a hard time choosing.

Here we are in the wine bar with the iPads.

I think these were our daily pushups, in furtherance of Tommy's new years resolution to build upper body strength.
Lizzie does them one handed due to the broken arm.  Eleanor requires assistance.

On the train to Frankfurt!

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