Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tommy's birthday party

Tommy asked for a pool party for his birthday, and this party ended up being very easy to organize.  But oh my gosh, it was stressful.  I hadn't really considered the responsibility of having 15 kids around a pool when I sent out the invitation.  But Tommy had a great time, and I had a glass of wine when it was all over and felt that I had really earned it, you know?

T has really sweet friends, and for the most part the kids were really well behaved.   This was our first year of a boys only party (except Lizzie, who does not seem to notice at all that she's the only girl), and I do think that the energy level is different with a gang of boys than it is with a group of boys and girls.  We took a lot of pool toys, and almost immediately there was some sort of soccer-ish game going on that involved kicking the ball all the way over the pool (lengthwise) and hitting it against the opposite wall.  I had to shut the game down when a dispute over whether someone had scored arose.  Because of course, nobody knew if it was actually a point because nobody really knew the rules of the brand new game.  Anyway, it was fun and it's over and Tommy was satisfied.  (I really hate planning birthday parties.)

(I made this gif by myself and if you want to make one, too, it's SUPER EASY.)

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