Thursday, June 23, 2016

Finishing up the school year!

Hi friends - sorry for the long absence.  It has been a busy month, but I suppose they are all busy and that's not much of an excuse.  Here is a summary with accompanying photos.  We are now in Seattle (arrived on June 11) and are finally over jet lag, hallelujah.

The weekend after my birthday, I went on a girls trip to Dubai (it was 36 hours long).  We had the below delicious drinks:

(We still miss Kathy)
We spent quite a lot of evenings at the beach.

The Lu received a clean bill of health on her arm (except that it will still be healing for two months more):
We went to the park at the same time as a woman brought a big box of kittens.  So that was painful.
We went on a very fun trip to Dubai so that we could spend three days in a row with Eli before we abandoned him for the summer.

We had our last playdate with Miyu (who is moving back to California!) and our LAST DAY of kindergarten and third grade!  My kids are too big now.
We said goodbye to Daddy...

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