Friday, June 24, 2016


We've only been in Seattle for ten days, but it's been full of fun!  On Monday we go to Laramie so my next post will be filled with photos from time with Grandma Sid and Grandpa Ollie.

Our trip here was great - the 14 hour flight felt fine and while Lizzie steadfastly refused to eat any plane food, I was more prepared than I have been on previous trips and managed to keep her tummy full enough to not get sick.  The jet lag wasn't great, but it's over now :)

The highlights of our trip so far are named Dylan and Winnie.  There aren't many pictures of Winnie but if you look all the way at the bottom of this post, you will see her and she is worth scrolling through all the other photos.  It has also been nice to see Dylan and Winnie's parents, whatever their names are.

Playing near the beach after hiking through the woods with Grandpa

The kids have spent lots of time in trees, including the one below on the right, which is in Mom and Dad's front yard.  They formed a club with a secret password.  Grandpa has been admitted membership because "he can make things for us".  So far, Grandma and I are o-u-t.
The zoo - see the penguins swimming behind Lizzie?
More penguins:

Dylan playing in a puddle with a stick.  I sent these photos to Eli and he replied, "OMG, JUST like T!"  And it is true that my sweet nephew reminds me quite a lot of my sweet boy when he was (nearly) three.

Here is Lizzie happily holding Hannah's baby Jade, and walking to an antique carshow holding hands with Dylan.
The hike!  Can you guess what the best part was? (The snow.)  Lizzie received lots of compliments from our fellow hikers - and she made it six miles which is very impressive.

Water fight with Grandpa in the backyard.  I'm not sure how the game worked,
but that's Tommy doing the "obstacle course" while being squirted..

At the park near my parent's house

A meeting in the back yard.

The girl you've been waiting for!!
Lizzie reading to Uncle Vyn, in a tiara of course

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