Wednesday, November 09, 2016

It's all my fault

So first let me say that I am clearly out of touch with America.  And this is interesting given that all I do all day long is listen to podcasts, mostly news-based and one specifically about politics.  I've walked around all day feeling like the wind has been knocked out of me.  I am truly shocked that for the next four years, we will have a "President Trump" as our leader.  Is this because I live under a rock (or in a desert far away from my country)?  Is this because Trump supporters are cowards and didn't admit that they planned to vote for a racist misogynist?  I don't know.  (What I do know is that I am impressed by how all the NPR politics people managed to not sound depressed on today's podcast.)

This morning, when I cried in front of all my Omani friends in my exercise class (Pennsylvania had turned pink), I had the realization that none of them get to vote for anyone.  (And tomorrow when I have calmed down a bit, I will know that it's better to have an electorate that can and does elect Trump, than not to have democracy.  Today I am unsure.)

Anyway, back to why it's all my fault.  I decided about two weeks ago that I would make a shirt for Lulu to wear today.  It seemed to me that we should celebrate my daughter having a life during which she couldn't meaningfully remember a time when a woman couldn't be the President of the United States.  So, I made her this t-shirt.  I am not a crafty person, so this took a bit of effort on my part, and you can see that the lines aren't really straight.  But I did it.

And in making this t-shirt, I jinxed HRC.  That's why it's all my fault.  I am SO SORRY.

And one more thing: Eli's job has been extended and we are now planning to be in Muscat until the end of the school year! It's your last chance to come visit us.

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