Saturday, December 17, 2016


Friends.  I'm so sorry.  Two things have happened since my last post.  First, I got an instagram account.  (Actually, it happened over the summer.)  Now, I post photos there and get the same sense of accomplishment for much less effort than a blog post.  Second, I became super busy.  Or wait, was I super busy before?  I don't know.  But the last two weeks of my life have been some of the most crazy EVER.

However.  We are all just fine here.  The kids had their last day of school until the new year on Thursday.  Lizzie turned seven on Wednesday.   She had a fun birthday party in early December (I booked it when I thought we were moving at Christmas).  We went to Dubai over Thanksgiving.  Our dear friends are moving so we've had lots of goodbye parties to attend, as well as holiday parties.  Eli's team put on a big Bollywood dance at their holiday party.  (They were very good.)  Lots of great things are happening, just not blog posts.  I shall catch up very soon, I promise.

Happy Holidays!!! xxx

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