Monday, August 12, 2013

Newman Lake: The Cast of Characters

I have lots of pictures to post from Newman Lake but here is the first batch.  We were there with Grandma Sid and Grandpa Ollie; Andy, Katherine, Adeline, Lexy, Claire and Millie; and Grandpa Bob for a few nights.  We had a great time even though we had a day of rain.  Just this morning I wished I was still at the lake (though Laramie has been pretty great, especially if you are six and appreciate big fields like the one in back of Grandma Sid and Grandpa Ollie's house).

Millie (and Katherine)

Lexy (with Lulu)

The Usuals

 Grandpa Bob and Lakota

Adeline, Lexy, Claire, Tommy, Millie & Lulu (in order by age)

The Lake

All of us together! (minus Grandpa Bob and Lakota)

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