Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Note Tommy's puffed up little cheeks as well as Andy's Christ-like water walking.

I always like to have something funny in the back of my mind so that if I get in a situation that requires a laugh, I have something to draw on (most recently this has been the first episode of 'Parks and Recreation' about Lil Sebastian -- specifically, Ron's enthusiasm when Leslie announces that her surprise is Lil Sebastian).  These pictures now occupy that space (though I was just chuckling about Lil Sebastian as I typed the above parenthetical) and you should consider yourself lucky that I am sharing these with you.  (Or maybe you're sick of the jumping series, and if that's the case I apologize.)

What I can say about Andy is this:  he is willing to sacrifice his own well-being for a good group photo (that is very shallow water), and he is fairly coordinated so I was not worried as he did this (though looking at the pictures it is clear that the kids were).

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