Saturday, July 30, 2011

Something funny

We got Tommy's trike out for Lizzie and this is what the kids came up with. Nice and safe.

We put it back in the basement.

Going to the cinema!

We promised Tommy -- at least two months ago -- that when Cars 2 came out, we would take him to see it in the theatre. Since then, he has asked me every morning if we are going to the cinema on that particular day. Sixty days later, I finally said, "YES, today we are going to the movies."

And so the babysitter came. (An important part of this experience for Tommy was leaving Lizzie at home, though when we returned he was very sweet to her: "How're you doing, Lu? Did you have a nice afternoon? Did Miss Alina take you to the playground, huh?" In his high-pitched-for-babies voice.) Eli had just finished putting Lulu down for a nap. The three of us set off to get hamburgers and fries for lunch before the movie. Tommy had a milkshake, too, and he just looooved his lunch.

(On Friday, as we crossed the street, he said loudly, "MOMMY, I'M NOT A VEGETARIAN!" and this is clearly true.)

Anyway, after lunch we made him walk around a little bit because we felt sick from overeating. Tommy was not impressed and shortly insisted that we go to the theatre.

When we arrived, he helped me pick up the tickets, which we had bought before because here you reserve seats for movies.

During the movie, he was unsure about the whole experience. He told me he wanted to go home; that it was hurting his head. He told me that he was scared. BUT, he stayed for the whole thing and then proclaimed it GREAT, and that has been his position since.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The news around here

* Lizzie finally weighs 20 lbs., barely.

* Tommy learned to swim! (Video coming.)

* Tommy's nanny got him a bouncy house (you know, his own personal bouncy house) but he already popped it.

* My solo flight with Tommy and the demanding, melodramatic, mama-hating toddler who has taken over our lives is two weeks from Saturday, and friends, I am worried that she will spend the whole flight screaming for her daddy. She will have nothing to do with me unless I am the only person available to her (or for very brief periods in the morning when Mandy has arrived and Lizzie just wants me to suffer a bit). But, the moment she sees Eli, she gives him huge dazzling smiles.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hampstead Heath

Today (Sunday) we spent the afternoon at Hampstead Heath. It is just gorgeous, and we had matching weather (for the first time in July, I am not kidding). Anyway, we spent a couple of hours with one of Eli's co-workers from Curacao, which was fun, but made me feel like we should be at the beach. Oh, well. The kids had a lovely time. Here are far too many photos.

Tommy holding a baby ladybug:

Catching up a bit

One of our local playgrounds was just renovated, and the best part is the sand. It's clean and nice and there are huge rocks on top of which to build amazing castles. We head there whenever it's sunny!

Baking bread:
Eli took this one. Too many crocs. But look how small!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ben 10

Tommy loves a cartoon character called Ben 10. He's seen two episodes on the plane (and for that reason alone is looking forward to our August trip) and we rented a DVD from the library with a few episodes for a special weekend TV treat. (For those wondering, Ben 10 really isn't so appropriate for a 4 year old.) Anyway, now he wants to dress like Ben 10. Which means he wants jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie every day, and the accessory that makes it all happen: his watch.

Anyway, it's summer here and sometimes even shorts weather (which he is normally happy to wear), but he's dressing like Ben 10.

He woke up last night terrified that a salamander was in his bed and refused to believe that nothing was there even when we turned the lights on and looked, so Eli had to sleep on the floor for a few hours.

OH, and Eli also made it to "The Enormous Crocodile" despite being very busy with work. I took a movie, but it's pretty long so we have to figure out how to edit it and post some clips (the sweetest part is when Tommy saw Eli). The kids were super cute.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Work -- an update

Lizzie loves that I work because she has access to my pretty shoes (not just flip flops):

She doesn't understand why I wear only pairs.

Another cute shoe story:
Successful. What do we know from this? That Tommy should always be putting on his own shoes. Of course.

So I feel pretty settled in at my job. I'm not really on any big cases yet, but I'm doing a big project that is sort of fun. I would tell you about it but I had to sign a nondisclosure agreement, and I think a blog post might violate it. Sorry.

I really like the other associate in the construction group (we are three, soon to be four with the addition of a pretty junior associate). She is sarcastic (they all claim this is because they're British; I said my dad is American so what's his excuse), and she also knows all the interesting office gossip which I find both useful and interesting.

The hardest part of it all is (1) figuring out how to get home by 7:30 and (2) that it's a tricky transition for Tommy. He is pretty upset these days, and having fits about truly bizarre things (today's was about how he hates to wash his hands and didn't want to do it). But, we're working hard to give him lots of positive attention, which is frankly easy because he's such a good guy, and hoping that he gets used to it. I'm a bit worried that we're going to do two more big transitions -- the trip to the US and then starting at a new school. But, this is life. Or at least our life.

Lulu seems to love the nanny, and calls her mama. Nice, Lulu.

Friday, July 08, 2011


At least once a day, the following occurs: Eli and I will be talking about something in front of Tommy, but not really with Tommy, and he'll yell, "WHAT?" And if we don't immediately stop talking and respond to him, he'll yell again, "WHAT? I don't know what you're talking about!" And then, just because she can, Lizzie starts saying, "wha? wha? wha? wha?"

Sometimes it makes me crazy, but usually it makes me laugh. It inevitably means that Eli and I don't finish a conversation, and sometimes it's a conversation we needed to have, so that we can discuss manners and interrupting as a family.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


So I've been to work twice now, and other than being so exhausted I can barely hold my head up, it's feeling pretty good. I have been in training for most of the two days, and have another day like that tomorrow, but I also have some work which I am enjoying doing for the most part. I really like the people I work with in London.

Here are some funny things about working here:

* The kitchens are all called tea points.
* They have milk, tea, coffee (sort of, it's Nescafe), sugar and little tea spoons available for all in each tea point.
* They had a lunch for me that had a full bar and wine served with each course. (I did not drink, as then I would have surely slept for the rest of the afternoon.) And the lunch was in one of the conference rooms. And there was a button that one of the partners pushed to tell the waiter to come clear the dishes and bring the next course.
* People actually do say "blimey." People also say "bits and bobs" and "bloody hell."
* There are no vending machines in the office at all.

Lizzie has been very upset when I leave in the mornings but seems to have fine days once she gets over it. Tommy doesn't even seem sad when I leave. I'm sad to leave them, but perk up by the time I get to work. Eli seems unaffected.

And that's all for now.

Friday, July 01, 2011


Our new nanny started on Monday, and I'm fairly certain I freaked her out a little bit when I burst into tears about halfway through the day. She was so nice: "I understand, I'm sure I would feel the same way" as I tried to explain that I was just sad to leave the kids, that my tears had nothing to do with her. The kids seem to adore her completely; Tommy even listened to her and scooted nearer to her than normal when she did the school run on her own.

And yet. (EVERY blogger transitions with "and yet." Or maybe it's just the bloggernacle?) I went to a garden party (accurate name: in the nicest communal garden I've been in, complete with sand pit and security guard) this afternoon and chatted with a few other mums while the kids played, and I felt proud (or some similar feeling) when I announced that I wouldn't see them on Monday; that I was going back to work. (I also ate two cupcakes as Tommy told me that his cupcake hurt his head and he couldn't eat it.)

I shall post again next Friday to let you all know how it goes. I hope you are all well!

(And for those of you who know her, Sarah Wedemeyer is having a boy! Isn't that exciting? I have come to believe that one of each is PERFECT.)

Lizzie's outfit

Grandma Sid gave Lizzie this outfit, and this is Lizzie's first time wearing it. The weather hasn't been great, and I've been saving it for a special day. But this morning it seemed silly to me that it was still hanging in her closet, and since it is supposed to be 71 degrees, I decided to put Lizzie in it. And it's a good thing. She received FIVE compliments this morning while dropping Tommy at school. So I took these (not very good) photos on the way home so all of you could see her.