Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Best Dad EVER

So on Tuesday, I received an email from the room mother.  It was an email only to me.  (Usually, she emails all the other mothers, but not this time.  She knows, perhaps, that I am in a bit over my head lately?)

This is what it said:

Just a quick reminder to bring Tommy's costume in for the assembly on friday by tomorrow!

So I quickly forwarded it to Eli, with this message:  shit, shit, shit.  If you focus on the wings, I'll look for red pants?

Now I know you're wondering so I'll tell you that he's going to be a red dragonfly.

Anyway, I had a very busy week again so this whole thing tipped our household over the edge.  And then, when Eli got home and began work on the very complicated set of dragonfly wings, Tommy came down the stairs and vomited.  The good news about that is that he couldn't go to school so we got an extra day to finish the wings.

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