Friday, June 29, 2012

The Red Dragonfly

He stood next to Sophia during the program.  This is post-program when he had already removed his headgear.  He still looks sort of like a dragonfly, though, right?

This costume caused us to violate a very serious rule:  no red pants.  I figure he can have everything else red and not go too astray, but this here outfit is a bit much for his mom (yes, I know that's a comment on my own ego but there it is, I care about my kids' outfits).  

Anyway, the whole show was really great and we took some movies but they were pretty far away and frankly, aren't blog material.  So, I offer you this picture.  (It's enough, really, and I understand that.)

I was the classroom helper today and had a great time.  I got to play outside (we love the outdoor area at Tommy's school; it was a huge factor in choosing the school), read stories and help with handwriting.  (Tommy's least favorite subject.)  The kids all do workbooks and write the same sentence each day, and I noted while flipping through the book that recently the sentence was 'Tommy likes Sophia.'  Miss Anna explained that she got the idea because they were working on capital T and capital S.  

Tommy's teacher Miss Jo is pregnant and has been put on bedrest for the rest of the term.  So that's sad!

And I'll be back tomorrow with a report of Tommy's birthday party, which is this afternoon at Gambado!!  Also, with some comments on Chief Justice Roberts (you didn't think I could resist, did you?).  Happy Friday!

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