Monday, November 18, 2013

Christmas in Muscat. It's here, too.

These pictures will surprise you.

I had actually already talked to people who told me that it would be possible to buy a fake Christmas tree here -- because I felt horribly stupid for not buying one in London and sending it with our shipment.  (We got the most beautiful trees in London, delivered directly to our house.  Fake trees were far from my mind.)

Remember, I am a big fan of the holidays.

Anyway, here is our local Carrefour's Christmas display.  We are actually shopping around for our tree so we didn't buy it when I took these photos.  You will not be shocked to know that I will be paying around $75 for a six-foot tree.  WORTH EVERY PENNY, I say.  My more frugal husband may not agree but he knows better than to put up a fight.

The second picture is of nativities.  Can you believe it? I don't know why I find it so shocking.

Guess who liked this tiny hot pink one??

1 comment:

  1. Consider your $75 fake tree an investment over 2 years - it'll be less than the cost of many of our real trees (esp. non-Doug firs). We'll be in Utah, so if anything we'll have a Charlie Brown reject tree from our friend's tree farm so M has something to decorate, and the cats have something to un-decorate while we're gone.

    If you can get a real wreath or swag to hand on the wall you can at least get the smell - but I imagine that'd set you back more than the tree!
