Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Break in Rome

We spent just under a week with Hanh and Eleanor in Rome during the kids' Spring break.

We had such a good time that none of us wanted to come back (and we think maybe Eleanor was sad to see us go, as well).  Hanh and Eleanor were amazing hosts -- Hanh even took a day off so that Eli and I could go to the Vatican by ourselves (and let me tell you, I've been twice and I'm not ever going back; it's full of gorgeous things but it's also packed with tourists and I don't have the constitution for it).  Hanh also took us on a tour of the Embassy, arranged for fancy Colosseum tickets that included tours of the basement and the top level, and shared an amazing running route with Eli and me.  It was the PERFECT TRIP.  Lots of walking and some running, and lots of gelato, pasta, pizza and wine.
The kids and the first gellateria - this is about three hours after we landed.

These are the two photos I have selected -- for now -- from the Colosseum.  It was super exciting for Tommy and the girls were pretty miserable for the whole time.  My feet were numb.

Eleanor having a fit.  Eli's mean and took a photo.

In these photos, Eli and I are pretending we have three kids (Eleanor was sick and home from school, except not at home).  She's a sweet girl and we agree that we'd have her anytime :)  (She is deeply into being three years old, however, and sometimes she needs a bit of 1-2-3 Magic.)

Here are some photos that are a version of the photo taken by every person who visits the Pantheon.

Guess what we bought?  A Selfie Stick!  Look at this photo!  Would you say it's worth 10 Euro??

Dancing outside a shop.  

Peacocks who were named Eli and Laura, by Eleanor.

PS:  I'm going to do a post about Pompeii next.  Pompeii was AMAZING.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Tommy's homework

Fear not, this is not a post about how hard it is to make Tommy do his homework.  In fact, homework has been a breeze lately.

Each week, Tommy has a spelling list, and one of the ways he learns his words is by writing a sentence with each one.  I find his sentences quite amusing and since this blog of late is mostly just things I want to remember when I'm old, about having kids who are the PERFECT ages, I'm going to write his spelling word sentences for you here (with his spellings, and the spelling word in italics).

Winter means business.

The three forms of matter are gas, liqid and solid.

A female tiger is called a tigress.

I follow Barack Obama.

I fixed a problem with Mitsuke.

You need water.

I made a pattern.

I hate fevers.

Pillows are plush.

I've read 60 chapters.

My sister is funny.

Happy Birthday, Eli!

Guess who is 39? And guess who has really nice friends who had a little party for him?  It's Eli!

While doing our birthday interview, I learned that Eli hopes to travel to other parts of Africa.  I was pleased to learn this as I feel the same way.

This guy had a good year. He worked a bit too much (not his choice) but he still managed to be calm and cheerful and I'm pretty sure he spent 50% of his free time playing lego and "baby cheetah" (a game in which Lizzie hides and meows and has to be discovered).

Eli and I met when we were 24 so this is the 15th birthday we've celebrated together.   This life is just flying by, but I can't imagine spending it with a better person.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Funny ones

Last night, as I was drying Lizzie off after her shower, she looked up at me and said, "but Mom, were you an orphan?"

"No, you know Grandma and Grandpa.  They're my mom and dad, and they took care of me when I was growing up.  Why do you think I was an orphan?"

Her eyes shifted to my heart necklace, and it became clear that because Annie had a locket she worried I, too, am an orphan who will always be looking for my parents.


Tommy weighs himself every night and his goal (his statement, not mine) is to crack 60 pounds.  Imagine his delight then, when the night before last, he hopped onto the scale and it said "SIXTY POINT ZERO"!  "Mom, this is a REALLY big deal!  My new goal is sixty-one."

(Last night he didn't quite weigh sixty pounds, so we're back to sixty as the goal.)


Lizzie:  "You know why I don't like to wear jeans?  Because my bum a little bit shows.  When I sit down."


Eli and I went to a fancy and fun party last night and there were three ambassadors there.  Are you impressed?

Finally, I will tell you that we are going to Rome in two days and I am having a hard time packing.  Lizzie can't wait ("Are we going this day? The next day? The next day next day?") because she wants "light up trainers" and I told her we could maybe look for some there.  I was stalling but she hasn't forgotten.  I HATE kids' shoes with lights.

I still owe you so many posts.  I am so sorry.  xox

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Tommy's Turn

Here's what happened to us last night:

It happened at the playground. Tommy was sitting on top of the monkey bars, and when his friend arrived, he got so excited his hand slipped and he clonked his chin on his way down to the ground. The good news is that he checked out this morning at the dentist as well. Apparently, the state of re-growth of his teeth really protected him. The other good news is that I now consider myself an expert on ascertaining whether an injury requires medical attention or not. I very calmly and with ruined blood-stained white leggings got everybody into the car and very calmly found all the shoes and socks that had been shed minutes earlier, and very calmly drove to the hospital while both of my children cried in the backseat. Tommy cried because his chin hurt and he was scared of stitches; Lizzie cried because she didn't want to watch Tommy have stitches. Want to know the craziest part of this story? When I paid at the hospital (we have to submit all our medical claims for reimbursement), they charged me 10 rial. That's twenty six dollars.

Monday, March 09, 2015


Hi again.  Still having photo trouble and I have so many photos to show you!  This is what happens when your photo guy has a more-than-full time job, I suppose.  How many of you have composed an email to me that says something like, "well, Laura, why don't you get up off your bum and figure out how to solve your photo problems?" I haven't received one of these emails, so I'm assuming you - like me - have a habit of drafting email and then not sending it.  Anyway, you're absolutely right and I have no idea what's wrong with me.  I suggest you look on the bright side and think about all the nice things about me (mostly, that I have good podcast recommendations and lately some good novel recommendations as well).

We've got lots going on over here in Muscat.  First of all, we've been in the middle of the biggest dust storm since 2003 (according to our 'newspaper').  (I also learned in the 'newspaper' that a bunch of chips containing pork somehow made it into the supermarkets here.  Yikes.)  Anyway, it's been pretty gross.  It's depressingly dark and despite the fact that I haven't spent much time outdoors, I taste dust in my mouth most of the time.  Isn't that bizarre? My teeth have never been cleaner because I've been brushing them so much.  It looks like we might have rain on Thursday which we desperately need to clean the dust out of the air.

Second, we had a hugely traumatic event in our family on Friday morning.  Tommy was goalie in his last football game of the season and he let in THREE goals and the team lost their only game this season.  I was so upset and worried about it that I didn't really eat for the rest of the day on Friday.  Is this ridiculous? Do I know that there are much bigger problems in the world?  Of course.  It was of course particularly awful because I didn't want Tommy to know that I was feeling so horribly about it (as he was mostly over it after it happened).  Football is over for the season and he plans to play again next year.

Third, and related to the second item, Tommy and Lizzie began karate twice a week.  This is my favorite activity ever because (a) they are ADORABLE in gis and (b) they can do it together! Also, I have a friend who has kids in the class and I get to chat with her for two hours each week. It means Lizzie is over scheduled but since she's only in school four hours per day, she'll survive.  Tommy appears to have more aptitude for karate than football but I am typing that with cautious optimism and knocking on wood at the same time.

Fourth, we are going to Rome next week!  It's spring break and we are visiting Hanh and Eleanor.  On my list for tomorrow is establishing whether my children own clothes that are warm enough that fit them.

Fifth, I put a bunch of musicals on my phone so now instead of listening to stupid stories on the way to school, the kids are learning (currently) Annie, The Sound of Music, and Mary Poppins.  Fun for all!  (Except that Tommy has been reading the abridged versions of Shakespeare's tragedies, along with books about WWII so I'm not sure how much he's learning in terms of music.)

And that's all I've got.